Sunday, June 1, 2014

my blog, revisited

Wow, apparently my old blog is still exist!!!
I promised in my last post (March 2013!!! It' has been that long???) that I would come back active writing post, but turned out raising two kids really sucked all my times from blogging.

What changed from my last post??
1. I decided to deactivate my band, 8 because it is clear that my idea of music and a band is way too hard for indonesians musician to work on
2. My wife and I will start our own cookie business and I'm really excited and proud with my wife!!!
3. We decided to raise our kids in ________ (blank because it is still a secret and a surprise)
4. I'm gonna work on my Christmas album this year
5. I'm back teaching music

Cool, I may gonna post more....really miss blogging :)