Saturday, February 21, 2009

Wildstix's log, stardate 62611

I got this article while browsing facebook. It's from facebook group of Indonesia Progressive Society. I'm not saying this group is misleading or something, but I wish they payed more attention before they put this article as introduction.
I actually have seen and read it before, but I think now I should share my constructive thoughts. I'll translate and give my comments beneath it.


Group komunitas musik progressive rock di tanah air. Sebagai wadah agar lebih mempererat silaturahmi dalam menjalin hubungan sesama pencinta musik cerdas ini.
The nation's progressive music community group. As a place to strengthen relationship of fellow fans of this particular "smart" music.

"smart" music? This is too subjective and music should not be viewed this way. So other music are not smart? To compose a 3-chord-song will need all the intelligence of the composer and I'm sure not all people are able to do this!

Apa itu Musik Progressive?
What is Progressive Music?

a. Beberapa bagian (atau seluruh) lagu dirangkai dalam satu tema/ konsep
a. Some parts of (or entire) song are arranged into a single theme/concept

b. Badan lagu terdiri dari beberapa bagian. Setiap bagian dapat mengandung melodi, tekanan emosi, tempo, dan atau tema yang tidak saling berhubungan
b. The body of the song comprising several parts. Each part could conceive unrelated melody, emotion (dynamic), tempo and/or theme.

So far so good

c. Tempo lagu yang tidak mengikuti pakem 4/4. Bisa 3/4, 6/8, 4/5 dsb.
c. Song tempo which doesn't follow the 4/4 standard. It may be 3/4, 6/8, 4/5

Hold on here! Tempo is 4/4? Pardon me, but whoever wrote this article is definitely need to learn more. Tempo doesn't equal time signature!
Tempo is beat per minute, tempo 60 means 60 beat in a minute, 120 means 120 beat in a minute and so on. Time signature is to specify how many beats are in each measure (bar) and what note value make one beat. 4/4 means 4 beats of quarter note in one measure. (You can also easily find this definition on wikipedia).

And the 4/5 thing? I assume this is a typo, but just to make sure, there is no such thing as 4/5 time signature!

d. Menggabungkan lebih dari satu jenis musik (pop, rock, jazz, klasik, etnik, dll)
d. Merging more than one music genre(pop, rock, jazz, classic, ethnic, etc)

Although this is commonly right, we must also keep in mind that all known music genres are created by the industry, so that we would gain correct understanding when we are listening/performing a music.
Oh please, don't ever consider jazz as music genre, it won't fit!

e. Tidak mengenal improvisasi karena improvisasi dibakukan dalam struktur lagu, sehingga pada saat dimainkan ulang komposisi tetap utuh seperti semula
e. Does not recognize improvisations because it is fix written into song structure, so when it re-performed, the composition will stay intact as before.

Excuse me, I strongly object with this criteria! As one form of contemporary music, improvisation is crucial and without it there will be no advancement. I've watched some of the "guilty-as-charged" prog artists live performance and all of them, once again, all of them are making improvisations to their music on stage, even on the written solos!
This point suggest that there is a thing such as written improvisation. If improvisation could be written, then it wouldn't be improvisation, it would be written solo.
I suggest to omit this point as it is totally absurd!

f. Suara manusia tidak sekedar menjadi vokal, melainkan juga berfungsi sebagai alat instrument
f. Human voice functioning as an instrument as well as vocal

I totally agree with it!

g. Durasi rata2 yang melebihi durasi lagu single (diatas 4 menit)
g. Average duration that longer than single song duration (4 minutes)

Another misconception. While the idea is correct, they missed on the concept of single song. Single is commonly released as a "appetizer" for the upcoming album and for promotional purposes, never exceeded 5 minutes duration. So it's a misplaced comparison.
It should be, "Average duration is longer than of generally 4 minutes song"
The fellow who wrote this should learn more about music industry

h. Tema yang umumnya tentang mitos, fiksi ilmiah, lingkungan, keagungan sang pencipta, kritik sosial, dan lain sebagainya selain roman percintaan dan problema hidup sehari-hari
h. The main themes generally about myths, science fiction, nature, creator's awe, social critics and others, apart from love story and real life situation.

I have no objections on that

So there you have it! I hope my thoughts could share a positive efforts in introducing progressive music to wider society.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Wildstix's log, stardate 62606.3

Since my last post, I've had: negotiation to borrow a traditional instrument from my church, auditioning 2 keyboardist candidate for my band, near miss rehearsal schedule, terminating cooperation with one of our bass teachers, looking for his replacement and thoughts of releasing my blacklist of keyboard players.

Turned out:
The bureaucracy in my church is much much more troublesome than of kantor kelurahan (village group office). I submitted my request in Feb 13, six days later they only come up with another approval from yet another commission needed before I can borrow the instrument. What on earth they were doing in six days??? They promised by next week I can start using it. I hope it will be true.

On monday (Feb 16), a guy came to my studio, to be auditioned as AOFS keyboard player. He was seems so sure of himself, but I notice that his thoughts are shallow.
I took him for a jam session and he didn't even know what a B flat is! I told him to learn much more and sent him home right away.
On Thursday (Feb 19), I met with another candidate and this time a girl. I didn't have a chance to jam with her, but judging from her stories she should be a fine keyboard player. She told me she'll come again after next week's rehearsal.

Near miss rehearsal schedule? I just hope my new co-workers could keep up with our agreed schedule...sigh...thank Jesus, the rehearsal wasn't canceled.

Bass teacher? Ah, this is another example of people in Indonesia who thought they are already in advance state of mind. They can not say "NO"! The result was a chaotic schedule and frequently sacrificing others' needs because they think they are being nice and fair to everyone. If you bumped into this kind of people, trust me, it'll be better not to have any business with them.

Monday, February 16, 2009

My music memories pt XV

My introduction to Queen was very early in my life as the whole of my family loves this band. In fact, it's the only post 60s band that could won the heart of my dad, mom, my two big sisters, my big brother and also eventually, me.
This band is so great, that I don't have anymore words to describe their influence in my music life.

Their performance at Live Aid 1985 is my most unforgettable memory about Queen. I remember the whole family sat together when Queen was announced as the next performance and gosh...they are amazing!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Wildstix's log, stardate 62593.4

I was actually planning to take a break from my keyboardist hunt today and just enjoy the day. But my mind just won't stop thinking about the list of names I wrote yesterday, so I returned to hunt and from 15 names I finally got one candidate who agreed to come to our rehearsal for an audition. The hunt itself has elapsed for three days and three nights straight and shows how hard to find a keyboard player in Jakarta.

What about the rest of 14 names? 1 was ok, but he dares to call himself keyboardist without owning a keyboard! That sounds absurd to me and will potentially rendering the band from meeting the dateline for 2009 projects. I like his enthusiasm but I don't have the energy nor the time to foster another raw talent.
There's also another one who haven't replied my message. I'll need to contact him tomorrow.

The other 12 are just typical for my black list of keyboard player. Arrogant, cocky and acting as if as needed badly.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

My music memories pt XIV

Again, my big brother played an important role of introducing Stryper. I was in my elementary third or fourth grade when he brought home In God We Trust album and said that there's a new kind of church music. I was totally shocked when listening their music the first time, there were no mellow tunes like standard church music but it was a raw, straightforward, mean metal rock!

Not so long later, I came to like their music and Robert Sweet is one of my first influence in drumming. They also influenced me of how to proportionally use our music talent for the glory of the Lord and as our daily job.

ps: thanks to MarvinMar for sharing this lovely memory

Friday, February 13, 2009

Wildstix log, stardate 62589.3

While most people are celebrating valentine's day, I'm still lingering on my quest to find keyboard player for Academie of FarSide. I managed to collect some names since Thursday but I met with little success with them. So far the only interested candidate is a 19 year-old, who musicality still need to be " scrutinize".

With another three weeks to the first performance of the new line up, I'm beginning to prepare for the worst, that I must perform drumkit, airsynth n keyboard line simultaneously.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wildstix log, stardate 62582.3

After a nice resting day on sunday, I entered monday with an intense work as my studio was recording a band. It supposed to be a normal job for me but their manager (who earlier told me to record just the vocal) forgot to tell me that the work will involve to record the hole five-piece band! I was unprepared and took me another two hours to set everything again. Fortunately I could keep my head cool and the recording went so smoothly.

On Tuesday I was so occupied by the thing that my band still haven't got the right keyboard player. I made some calls but again they only lead me to the same old s@#t (keyboard players worthy for my blacklist of keyboardist). But that day also has a positive move, I finally met with a person who agreed to be Academie of FarSide's manager and I can tell from our conversations yesterday, he knows what he's doing. I can't wait to see the realization of our cooperation.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My music memories pt XIII

The first time I knew The Police, it was sometime in early 80's, on a quiet night in my family old house when everyone weren't home except for me and my older brother.
I heard him listening to a music that pretty unusual for that time and I quickly joined him in his room. He told me that the music is called "white reggae"...geez, I didn't know what it means but I really enjoyed the music and I ended up listening to the whole "Reggatta de Blanc" album while my big brother just fell asleep.
They are one of my very first influences in approaching music through different angles.

This is their first ever performance of their song, Message in a Bottle. The song that introduced me to them.

ps: many thanks to nitch72 for sharing this wonderful video!

Wildstix's log, stardate 62573.9

Remember when I said that I purely hate facebook? Well, today I tried to upload a picture, small sized file and facebook, confidently launched its java script for uploading pictures...sounds cutting edge eh? Cutting edge my a@#! I was only uploading one 92 kb picture and it took the "state-of-the-art" facebook uploader almost 20 minutes to complete the task! Hah, My hate is justified. I'm sure most people are just so blindly following facebook hip without even noticing it basically is the same old s@#t like friendster, no more no less. I feel sorry for those who thinks facebook is the hippest thing in town.

I've settled my unfinished business today, but it took most of my energy. So my wife and I went to one of our favorite places to restore the balance of our bodies and minds. It's a worth one!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Road of the Damned

I hate this road very very much!
It's always dirty and chaotic. Traffic jam, stupid motorists and digging works are the constant sight every day, every week, every month, every year.
There's no single day you can peacefully drive or pass through this road. It's a real living hell!!!
Click on the red line on the map to see its name

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Wildstix's log, supplemental

I just found out that one of my old friends is having serious trouble and that will naturally entangled with my own unsettled business.

Realizing the potential double trouble, my wife and I are working to get us out from any unpleasant possibilities and collateral damages. Also to speed up the process, I will go tomorrow to see our ex-coworker and settle the matter permanently.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Wildstix's log, stardate 62570.1

Yesterday I saw my vocalist having a bad day. I feel sorry for her but also good thing that nothing really bad happened. The planned rehearsal was canceled again and that makes this week without rehearsal at all, I'm getting impatient to accomplish the rebuilding of Academie of FarSide. I noted that our weakest link is as always and again, keyboard player. I don't know what's with that species, native in Jakarta and I guess I don't need to make a blacklist at all since they are all....blacklisted.

Just happened also, I managed to reestablished contact with my old friend, a fine keyboard & piano player. We quickly discussed the possibility for her to join Academie of FarSide. Things aren't that simple and easy as it sounds, but I cited a quote from a renown starship captain to my friend, "Things are impossible until they are not." In my life experience, it's so true!
I'm delighted when she decided to explore my idea and planning to come to Jakarta this year. I can't hardly wait to see if she's the missing piece for Academie of FarSide.
In a meanwhile as we waits for her arrival, I'll maximize the current line up.

This past two days also marked by heavy rain and a the most felt, a drop in temperature. I didn't make a reading yesterday but judging by today's reading (it's 24 degrees at 12 noon), I'm sure yesterday's was one of the lowest ever in Jakarta. We are looking at the direct effect of global warming...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My music memories pt XII

"Sna-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-knees, knees!" That still rings in my ears even until now. Yeah, Guns n Roses, they're not really influencing my music much but they managed to carve their color in my memories (as well to other people). I chose to put their video clip instead of any of their live performances, because the first time I knew GNR was through this video.
IMHPO, the band career was short-lived but it was destined to be a rock n roll legend.

ps: thanks to o0jackass0o for sharing!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Wildstix's log, stardate 62557.7

There was nothing more happening than the rain today. I woke up around 6.30 am and the sky was still dark with rain pouring down heavily. The sun couldn't be seen today because the clouds were so thick and spreads the whole sky.
Turned out that the intense rain was caused by the storm "Ellie" (I think that's the name), raging just up north of Australia and it sends out rain clouds over southern islands of Indonesia.
I haven't heard any troubles caused by intense rain in Jakarta, but one could surely expect flood at most of places.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My music memories pt XI

I wasn't sure that they are part of my music influence, but they surely gave their color to my music memories. There are lots of opinion about this band, some call them great, some call them silly, well for me, they are an interesting band. I haven't follow their career after the death of their guitarist on a car accident, but I'll try to look around and see how are they doing now.

ps: thanks to slaughterrocks for sharing