Sunday, August 16, 2009


Today is the 64th anniversary of Indonesia independence day and just like many anniversaries before, I don't want to celebrate or taking any participation whatsoever in the celebration activities. That because since I was aware of myself, I never felt like home in the country called Indonesia. In the later part of my life (and currently) I realized that the facts may have been distorted to legitimize the existence of Indonesia.

The founding fathers of the archipelago independence were undoubtedly smart people. They've succeeded in most of their diplomacy missions, they were able to unite their common goal to oust the Dutch that occupied their homelands (note that I say, homelands). It was something that average people will find it hard to accomplish.
But sadly and unfortunately, they were naive. Some thought the occupied territories is automatically becoming one nation as they suffered the same fate. While some thought after independence they could go home to their respective homelands and live as sovereign nations.
Same thing with the blood shed. Some of them are willing to shed their blood for their homelands and some for the unity of the boundaries left by the occupiers.

History tells us that the first, got the upper hand and now we know something called Indonesia. It was, is and always a fatal mistake because you can not assume that since other people suffered the same thing as you, they'll want to have a union or cooperation after the common goal is achieved.
So with this only one thing is enough for me to believe that Indonesia is one fatal mistake.

ps: I also found it absurd that after 64 years of independence, indonesians are still crying "merdeka" (it loosely means, independence) out loud. Merdeka of what???

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