I got this article while browsing facebook. It's from facebook group of Indonesia Progressive Society. I'm not saying this group is misleading or something, but I wish they payed more attention before they put this article as introduction.
I actually have seen and read it before, but I think now I should share my constructive thoughts. I'll translate and give my comments beneath it.
The nation's progressive music community group. As a place to strengthen relationship of fellow fans of this particular "smart" music.
"smart" music? This is too subjective and music should not be viewed this way. So other music are not smart? To compose a 3-chord-song will need all the intelligence of the composer and I'm sure not all people are able to do this!
Apa itu Musik Progressive?
What is Progressive Music?
a. Beberapa bagian (atau seluruh) lagu dirangkai dalam satu tema/ konsep
a. Some parts of (or entire) song are arranged into a single theme/concept
b. Badan lagu terdiri dari beberapa bagian. Setiap bagian dapat mengandung melodi, tekanan emosi, tempo, dan atau tema yang tidak saling berhubungan
b. The body of the song comprising several parts. Each part could conceive unrelated melody, emotion (dynamic), tempo and/or theme.
So far so good
c. Tempo lagu yang tidak mengikuti pakem 4/4. Bisa 3/4, 6/8, 4/5 dsb.
c. Song tempo which doesn't follow the 4/4 standard. It may be 3/4, 6/8, 4/5
Hold on here! Tempo is 4/4? Pardon me, but whoever wrote this article is definitely need to learn more. Tempo doesn't equal time signature!
Tempo is beat per minute, tempo 60 means 60 beat in a minute, 120 means 120 beat in a minute and so on. Time signature is to specify how many beats are in each measure (bar) and what note value make one beat. 4/4 means 4 beats of quarter note in one measure. (You can also easily find this definition on wikipedia).
And the 4/5 thing? I assume this is a typo, but just to make sure, there is no such thing as 4/5 time signature!
d. Menggabungkan lebih dari satu jenis musik (pop, rock, jazz, klasik, etnik, dll)
d. Merging more than one music genre(pop, rock, jazz, classic, ethnic, etc)
Although this is commonly right, we must also keep in mind that all known music genres are created by the industry, so that we would gain correct understanding when we are listening/performing a music.
Oh please, don't ever consider jazz as music genre, it won't fit!
e. Tidak mengenal improvisasi karena improvisasi dibakukan dalam struktur lagu, sehingga pada saat dimainkan ulang komposisi tetap utuh seperti semula
e. Does not recognize improvisations because it is fix written into song structure, so when it re-performed, the composition will stay intact as before.
Excuse me, I strongly object with this criteria! As one form of contemporary music, improvisation is crucial and without it there will be no advancement. I've watched some of the "guilty-as-charged" prog artists live performance and all of them, once again, all of them are making improvisations to their music on stage, even on the written solos!
This point suggest that there is a thing such as written improvisation. If improvisation could be written, then it wouldn't be improvisation, it would be written solo.
I suggest to omit this point as it is totally absurd!
f. Suara manusia tidak sekedar menjadi vokal, melainkan juga berfungsi sebagai alat instrument
f. Human voice functioning as an instrument as well as vocal
I totally agree with it!
g. Durasi rata2 yang melebihi durasi lagu single (diatas 4 menit)
g. Average duration that longer than single song duration (4 minutes)
Another misconception. While the idea is correct, they missed on the concept of single song. Single is commonly released as a "appetizer" for the upcoming album and for promotional purposes, never exceeded 5 minutes duration. So it's a misplaced comparison.
It should be, "Average duration is longer than of generally 4 minutes song"
The fellow who wrote this should learn more about music industry
h. Tema yang umumnya tentang mitos, fiksi ilmiah, lingkungan, keagungan sang pencipta, kritik sosial, dan lain sebagainya selain roman percintaan dan problema hidup sehari-hari
h. The main themes generally about myths, science fiction, nature, creator's awe, social critics and others, apart from love story and real life situation.
I have no objections on that
So there you have it! I hope my thoughts could share a positive efforts in introducing progressive music to wider society.
I actually have seen and read it before, but I think now I should share my constructive thoughts. I'll translate and give my comments beneath it.
Group komunitas musik progressive rock di tanah air. Sebagai wadah agar lebih mempererat silaturahmi dalam menjalin hubungan sesama pencinta musik cerdas ini.The nation's progressive music community group. As a place to strengthen relationship of fellow fans of this particular "smart" music.
"smart" music? This is too subjective and music should not be viewed this way. So other music are not smart? To compose a 3-chord-song will need all the intelligence of the composer and I'm sure not all people are able to do this!
Apa itu Musik Progressive?
What is Progressive Music?
a. Beberapa bagian (atau seluruh) lagu dirangkai dalam satu tema/ konsep
a. Some parts of (or entire) song are arranged into a single theme/concept
b. Badan lagu terdiri dari beberapa bagian. Setiap bagian dapat mengandung melodi, tekanan emosi, tempo, dan atau tema yang tidak saling berhubungan
b. The body of the song comprising several parts. Each part could conceive unrelated melody, emotion (dynamic), tempo and/or theme.
So far so good
c. Tempo lagu yang tidak mengikuti pakem 4/4. Bisa 3/4, 6/8, 4/5 dsb.
c. Song tempo which doesn't follow the 4/4 standard. It may be 3/4, 6/8, 4/5
Hold on here! Tempo is 4/4? Pardon me, but whoever wrote this article is definitely need to learn more. Tempo doesn't equal time signature!
Tempo is beat per minute, tempo 60 means 60 beat in a minute, 120 means 120 beat in a minute and so on. Time signature is to specify how many beats are in each measure (bar) and what note value make one beat. 4/4 means 4 beats of quarter note in one measure. (You can also easily find this definition on wikipedia).
And the 4/5 thing? I assume this is a typo, but just to make sure, there is no such thing as 4/5 time signature!
d. Menggabungkan lebih dari satu jenis musik (pop, rock, jazz, klasik, etnik, dll)
d. Merging more than one music genre(pop, rock, jazz, classic, ethnic, etc)
Although this is commonly right, we must also keep in mind that all known music genres are created by the industry, so that we would gain correct understanding when we are listening/performing a music.
Oh please, don't ever consider jazz as music genre, it won't fit!
e. Tidak mengenal improvisasi karena improvisasi dibakukan dalam struktur lagu, sehingga pada saat dimainkan ulang komposisi tetap utuh seperti semula
e. Does not recognize improvisations because it is fix written into song structure, so when it re-performed, the composition will stay intact as before.
Excuse me, I strongly object with this criteria! As one form of contemporary music, improvisation is crucial and without it there will be no advancement. I've watched some of the "guilty-as-charged" prog artists live performance and all of them, once again, all of them are making improvisations to their music on stage, even on the written solos!
This point suggest that there is a thing such as written improvisation. If improvisation could be written, then it wouldn't be improvisation, it would be written solo.
I suggest to omit this point as it is totally absurd!
f. Suara manusia tidak sekedar menjadi vokal, melainkan juga berfungsi sebagai alat instrument
f. Human voice functioning as an instrument as well as vocal
I totally agree with it!
g. Durasi rata2 yang melebihi durasi lagu single (diatas 4 menit)
g. Average duration that longer than single song duration (4 minutes)
Another misconception. While the idea is correct, they missed on the concept of single song. Single is commonly released as a "appetizer" for the upcoming album and for promotional purposes, never exceeded 5 minutes duration. So it's a misplaced comparison.
It should be, "Average duration is longer than of generally 4 minutes song"
The fellow who wrote this should learn more about music industry
h. Tema yang umumnya tentang mitos, fiksi ilmiah, lingkungan, keagungan sang pencipta, kritik sosial, dan lain sebagainya selain roman percintaan dan problema hidup sehari-hari
h. The main themes generally about myths, science fiction, nature, creator's awe, social critics and others, apart from love story and real life situation.
I have no objections on that
So there you have it! I hope my thoughts could share a positive efforts in introducing progressive music to wider society.
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