Sunday, May 18, 2008

F@#k Up Education in Indonesia

Oops, almost forgot that now I have a blog in my hand…

Anyways, last week the whole family gathered at my parents place to celebrate my niece 11th birthday. As usual as the family gathers, we had all sort of topics flying around the conversation, from what music project I recently work on to the talk about education in Indonesia.
I found the education topic very much interesting because we all experiencing the horror of the latest Indonesian education. Not directly but through our children (I don’t have a child yet but I think of my nieces and nephews as my children as well).

The picture of the putrid of Indonesian education can be seen from the primary levels. My niece and nephews are in their elementary levels and from what I heard and saw I could tell that in the next 10 years, Indonesia will harbor a massive increase of psychopaths.

I believe as well as Einstein does that imagination is the most important thing before knowledge. It is proven by our modern life. So the primary levels of education should encourage younglings to build and explore their imagination and creativity that will make them easier to learn other things, such as math, science, etc.
But this is not happening in Indonesia; the elementary schools (and sadly the parents too) always regard high grade and having brain for numbers or science are the ultimate goal and they think that all the children are GENIUSES WITH MATH!!! That is very absurd! Once in a while an Indonesian kid won the Physic Olympic or Math Olympic, well good for them, but we can’t generalize it to other kids. This is also what’s happening in private schools. They forced second grade students to swallow subjects of higher grade, THAT’S INSANE!!!

Not to mention some people who saw the business opportunity from the chaos. They are competing to open a “Bimbingan Belajar”. It’s a place for students to get learning guidance, some sort of private instruction. BUT, business comes first and what supposed to be a private instruction, they wickedly made it into a class and put the students, sometime up to 45 to 50, packed together. Their evil does not stop there, instead of helping the students to understand the subjects, they just giving the shortcut to solve the equation and hints of how working on a massive national exam. My God, that’s so evil! One “Bimbingan Belajar” puts a sign, “Program Super Intensif”, that means they have a super intensive learning guidance program. What on earth is that? The word intensive alone has already explained the situation and now they said super intensive? Of what? Shortcuts? Hints and tips? Without imagination and creativity the kids will become either zombies or monsters. Now that how wicked is the education system in Indonesia.

Also I heard that we are celebrating 100 years of “Kebangkitan Nasional”, the national uprise…well tell me, have we risen yet or have we fallen into a deeper coma…

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